Hardware changelog
Change layout SAMD21 and RN2483.
Remove jumper-switches for optocoupler-bypass for JSN and RN2483.
Change package of MIC5201 3.3V and 5.0V.
Change SWD header.
Fix for MOSFET circuitry of the JSN psu.
Add analog inputs AIN0 and AIN1.
Reduce padsize of electrolytic capacitors.
Added shunt resistors for measuring subsystems power consumption.
Align vias.
Added pin definitions to all header pins.
Improved traces of RN2483 optocoupler.
Change RN2483 LED from GPIO pin to RN2483-VCC
V4.0.3 (Latest)
Fix for 5V (JSN) MOSFET circuitry for not switching off when switched with a 3.3V high signal of the SAMD21. Added an N-Channel MOSFET.
Remove DIO1
Change DIO0 to AIN0. Now there is AIN0-2.
Change MIC5201 to AP7073 (voltage regulator) because of too high quiescent current.
5V (JSN) MOSFET circuitry now switches before the 5V voltage regulator. This reduces (quiescent) current consumption.
Change RN2483 footprint back to the original. It turns out that the changed footprint makes it very hard so solder the chip.
Removed the RTC chip. Can later be included as an (yet to be implemented) modular sensor input board.
Fix the SWD connector pinout to be the same as Black Magic Probe SWD header.